SDF Rebrand & Website


The Southern Documentary Fund needed to refresh its brand design and website.  They wanted to get away from the stereotypical imagery of a pickup truck with a camera on it while advocating for more bold storytelling from southern filmmakers.

“For the SDF logo, I tried to think of the most unifying element of the South, its soil. The South exists due to its unique relationship to the ground, and as a consequence, so do its inhabitants. Metaphorically, the South is like soil, new things are growing all the time, and if you dig deeper, there are many older stories yet to be discovered. In the dirt, there is a constant dance of life and death taking place. Southern storytellers are products of that process, and SDF gives them the ability to document that complex relationship.”- Kaliq Ray

Logo Design

Logo Exploration


Motion Design Application

Web Application



More To Explore

Democracy NC: 5 Steps to Vote PSA

Objective: We were tasked with producing a non-verbal visual PSA to teach citizens how to register to vote and how to vote early. I supervised